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Mission Trip Form

If you are looking for the reference forms they are here, parent, teacher, and church-related! Please click the appropriate one for them! Here is the health form! Also, if you need to pay please go here. Thank you!

Mission Trip Options

This year we have three options for mission trip!

SPLASH 3.0 - June 3-10 - Highschool only

This trip is designed for students who are ready to be “sent out” as witnesses for Jesus Christ. Students applying for this trip should have reached a point in their relationship with Jesus where they want to be used by Jesus to help people be drawn into a relationship with Him. On this trip you might be sharing your testimony, involved in helping individuals understand the Word of God, and experience life on life ministry. You will learn what it is like to “be sent” by Jesus to draw people into a relationship with Him and it will challenge you to practice dependence on the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance. As a team we will learn how to follow Jesus as He opens our eyes to see the needs of people.

There will be no planned destination for this trip because we will follow the Holy Spirit to the places He wants us to serve during this time. This will be a stretch for many but will also be greatly rewarding as we learn to trust God to show us the needs of others! The team will include several TFC staff members, and we may end up traveling into the states bordering Kansas as we look for the places where Jesus wants us to serve Him. We will be self-contained including packing tools to work with and food for fixing our own meals, and we will either stay in churches or sleep in tents overnight. The trip will prepare team members to see how Jesus wants to use us in the world by meeting the needs of people and making disciples. As a team we will be provided opportunities to listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading as we pray and follow in obedience to where Jesus sends us.

  • Estimated Support Goal of $700-$800

Tulsa, Oklahoma - May 24-30 - 8th Grade and above

This trip is designed for students who are ready for the challenge of leaving their personal desires behind as they follow Jesus and help meet the needs of others through the ministry of Praying Pelican Missions in Tulsa, OK. While Tulsa’s history as an oil boomtown is well-known, many are less aware that it was also once home to one of the most vibrant black communities in the U.S. prior to the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921 when 10,000 Black people lost their homes, and an estimated 300 people died. It is considered by some to be “the single worst incident of racial violence in American history.” Now, just over 100 years later, we will be part of a renewed effort to heal deep wounds, come together as a community, and build up the local Church in Tulsa to reach across social, economic, racial, and spiritual divides. Our mission team will work alongside local church or ministry partners to meet real needs in the community and we will also have the opportunity to learn more about Tulsa’s deep history with diversity.

  • Estimated Support Goal of $800 - $900

Cary Christian Center - May 28-June 9 - Highschool only

This trip is designed for students who want a chance to leave their desires behind and serve others for the purpose of building up the Kingdom of God. Students will engage with the needs of people living in poverty in the Mississippi Delta as they work in partnership with Cary Christian Center in Cary, MS. Their focus is on coming alongside people to help break the cycle of poverty through relationships. Working with the Cary Christian Center we will assist them in meeting the physical needs of individuals in Cary and surrounding communities. Projects may involve painting, shingling, minor construction, or serving the needs of the Center itself. There is a possibility of also working with Serenity on the Bayou (Emmanuel Community Center) in Anguilla, MS. The work through “Serenity on the Bayou” will provide opportunities for “face-to-face” involvement with the children of the Delta region. Projects may involve teaching Bible classes, tutoring students with specific educational needs and planning activities for the area’s children.

Requirements for this team are a willingness to die to self and serve even when the conditions make it hard to say “I’d be glad to.” You won’t be leaving the country on this trip but it will provide you with a great cross cultural experience and move you way outside of your comfort zone too! For more information about the Cary Christian Center check out and for Serenity on the Bayou, check out

  • Estimated Support Goal of $900 - $1000

Mission Trip Agreement

In order to fill out the application, you must agree to the following!

  • I agree to obey all rules and guidelines that TFC Connection and other associated ministries establish, realizing they have my best interest and welfare in mind. I will trust their judgment and obey them. The staff have the right to confront me if they see a problem in my attitude or in my obeying the rules.
  • I agree to participate in the support raising part of this project. Even though I may have the finances to pay my own way, I will send out a minimum of 10 letters to people who would be interested in this project. I will also respect the deadlines to get my letters in the mail and realize this may lead to my dismissal from a trip if I haven’t done my part.
  • I acknowledge that I am expected to do my share of the work on the mission trip and I will be willing to do what is asked of me with an “I’d be glad to” attitude.
  • I will work at making this mission trip a priority! Even if other events come up after I am accepted on a mission trip, I will commit to still go on this trip.

Mission Trip Application