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2024 TFC Camp - Anchors Aweigh

·177 words·1 min·
Camp Anchors Aweigh

Make Sure You Are Ready!

To come to camp, you should make sure you are ready! Follow this checklist to make sure you are ready:

  • Have my money for camp! (If you haven't paid the full amount, you likely owe $100. We also have a snack shop you may want to bring some more for!)
  • Health form! If you haven't filled it out you can do so here!
  • Packed and ready?
  • Bible: Bring a paper Bible!
  • Leave your phone and other electronics at home!

Pray for open hearts and lives changed

Camp is one of those times of the year where God works in incredible ways. Often times the sheer amount of time and intentionality of diving into God's Word and seeing ourselves reflected there helps to change us. Please be praying for the campers who will be there!


If you have any donations you'd like to give toward camp please go here to give a monetary donation. If you'd like to give a food donation of some sort, please bring it by the TFC Office!